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Spermatorrhoea/Nightfall Treatment (स्वप्नदोष)

Nightfalls involves the ejaculation of semen involuntarily by an erotic / sexual dream. In this condition, the fast release of sperm takes place during sleep. Usually night falls happens in the night but sometimes it happens in the daytime also while sleeping.

Burning sensation during or after the passage of urine, Early or premature ejaculation, Uncontrolled leakage of semen in underclothes, inability to sleep and having sexually explicit dreams, lack of concentration, pain and cramping in legs and back. Laxmi Ayurved Bhawan is one of the Best Clinic for Sexual Disorders for Male in Bihar and Jharkhand. धातुरोग का डर वर्षों से पुरुषों के मन में बैठ हुआ है और आज भी इसका मुख्य कारण है कामविज्ञान की पूरी शिक्षा का आभाव |मैथुन की इच्छा के बिना जब पुरुष मल अथवा मूत्र का त्याग करते हैं उस समय कभी कभी या हमेशा उनकी इंद्रिय में से एक पानी जैसा तरल अथवा पतले दूध जैसा अथवा कच्ची लस्सी जैसा परंतु चिपचिपा पदार्थ निकलता है तो इसे धातु रोग कहा जाता है | इसे वीर्यप्रमेह, प्रेमह, शुक्रमेह, जिरयान एवम् Spermatorrhoea,Dhaat Syndrome आदि नामों से भी जाना जाता है |


  • Laxmi Ayurved Bhawan is the Best Ayurved /Herbal Treatment Centre which provides Nightfall Treatment or Spermatorrhoea in Jharkhand. Dr. A.K. Tiwary is experienced and expert doctor for any type of sexual problem. He also prescribe lifestyle change and herbal or natural medicines for decreasing the ejaculation.


  • Ayurveda is our ancient culture which heals a person totally by different methods like- therapy, medicines and panchkarma process etc. Ayurveda and natural remedies are the best ‘swapandosha’ treatment is simple they not just only prevent semen discharge while you are sleeping, but also helps other sexual issues with no side effects. Ayurvedic Expert's nightfall treatment package is suggested for approx 3-4 months. Utilizing it for the suggested time span won't just helps your wet dreams issue, also it build your semen thickness and it's quality. Additionally it builds the body's retentive power, preventing it from discharging semen automatically, while you are sleeping. Another incredible favorable position of this package is that it will help you eliminate sexually explicit thoughts that are the primary reason of wet discharge. This will improve the quality of your rest, so you get up toward the beginning of the day all new and re-stimulated.


  • For appropriate Spermatorrhoea treatment, you need to concentrate on having a healthy body and healthy mind. This condition is treated from various points of view. The initial step is to expand self-control and take the nightfalls medicine routinely. The following stage is to improve diet. A sound, and nutritious eating routine should have the option to help you control the side effects maximum. Such a diet will help the medicines and home remedies for generating energy. At last, these medications additionally help you restore the nutrition and strength lost because of nightfall. The herbal medicines for this condition help to increase strength and vitality, after that assisting you with getting your normal life. You may likewise need to make some way of life changes. Working on some techniques, for example pranayam and yoga or taking a bath before going to sleep, may also help.

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